Arul's Blog

Arulmurugan Rajaraman

  Bangalore | |   30 posts

Google API to get timezone from lat-long coordinates in python

Fri 27 March 2015 By Arulmurugan Rajaraman comments

This article explains how we can find approximate lat-long coordinates in Python using Google API. This will help us when we want to filter content based on the location.

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Google API to get lat-long coordinates in python

Fri 27 March 2015 By Arulmurugan Rajaraman comments

If you want to find lat-long coordinates for an address, you can use Google's API for the same. Here is a step-by-step guide explaining the process.

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Access google sheets in python using Gspread

Wed 05 November 2014 By Arulmurugan Rajaraman comments

Sometimes we might need to read/write data from Google sheets. This guide explains how we can use Gspread to do the same.

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Python: Install Pylibmc on Ubuntu

Sun 24 August 2014 By Arulmurugan Rajaraman comments

This guide explains how to install Pylibmc to get memcached up and running.

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Ubuntu: Django bash auto-completion

Sun 17 August 2014 By Arulmurugan Rajaraman comments

Autocompletes come handy when you want to execute a lengthy command. Here's how you can add Django bash completion in Ubuntu.

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